Thursday, August 5, 2010


By Wan Nor Azura Mior Abd Aziz

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 (Bernama)-- The crude palm oil (cpo) market is expected
to remain stable until next year with prices hovering around RM2,650 per tonne
due to supply constraints brought on by the El Nino phenomenon and its
propensity to follow prices of competing oils, said an analyst with a domestic
research house.
"While the recent El Nino phenomenon was comparatively mild, it may be
enough to impede the growth of palm flowers which takes six months to mature and
produce fresh fruit bunches (FFB).
"Hence the impact to palm oil yield may be felt during the last-quarter of
the year, Syed Muhammed Kifni Syed Kamaruddin, a senior analyst with MIDF
Research told Bernama today.
CPO prices have been holding up quite well so far this year despite the
bumper South American soybean harvest.
"Hitherto, strong demand and tight global edible oil inventories, with
stock/usage ratio falling to multi-year lows, are providing support to edible
oils prices in general," he said.
From January and July, CPO prices were range-bounded hovering between
RM2,300 to RM2,700 per metric tonne.
"We also expect CPO prices to encounter immediate resistance at around the
RM2,600 per metric tonne level and consolidate thereafter in the near-term.
"CPO price movements have been, and will, likely continue to be influenced
by the general trend in major commodities particularly crude oil and soybean
oil, Syed Muhammed Kifni added.
He also said the sustainable way for the palm oil industry in Malaysia was
to continue expanding output by improving yields.
Continued expansion of plantation acreage is being limited by the scarcity
of land available and suitable for oil palm plantations.
The average FFB per hectare and the average oil extraction rate (OER) of oil
palm plantations in Malaysia have stagnated around 20 metric tonnes per hectare
and 20 per cent, respectively, in the past decade.
Various research efforts have been undertaken by both private and government
entities to enhance the yields of oil palm tree, however, the results so far has
been rather evolutionary rather than revolutionary.
Nevertheless, efforts are ongoing and some major plantation companies such
as Sime Darby Bhd and Genting Plantations Bhd have embarked on cutting-edge
genome research which hopefully may provide the industry with ground-breaking
solutions to its long-term growth conundrum.
Meanwhile, Head of Research, ECMLibra Investment, Bernard Ching said the
industry expected range bound trading over August with some negative bias
from rising production and bearish soybean news.
In July, CPO futures rebounded slightly and closed the month 7 per cent
Early this year, the El Nino was on everyone lips but of late this has
switched to the La Nina.
"We believe it is too early to tell if the current La Nina spell will pose
significant threats to production," he said.
Ching also said there was not much to be excited about in the near-term for
CPO prices.
With prices hovering between RM2300-2700, companies at this level would
still be very profitable, he said, adding that in the mid-to-longer-term, the
key driver would be weather related events that might interrupt production.
Over the long-term, palm oil consumption can only increase hence prospects
are good for the industry to expand further.
"The only problem is the scarcity of suitable land that could dampen
growth," Ching added.


By Wan Nor Azura Mior Abd Aziz

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Ogos (Bernama)-- Pasaran minyak sawit mentah (MSM) dijangka
kekal stabil sehingga tahun depan dengan harga-harganya berlegar sekitar RM2,650
setonne berikutan kenkangan bekalan yang disebabkan oleh fenomena El Nino dan
kecenderungan mengikuti rapat harga-harga minyak saingan, kata seorang
penganalisis firma penyelidikan domestik.
"Sementara fenomena El Nino baru-baru ini agak sederhana, ia sudah cukup
untuk menyekat perkembangan putik-putik sawit yang mengambil masa enam bulan
untuk matang dan seterusnya menghasilkan buah tandan segar (FFB).
"Bagaimanapun, kesan ke atas perolehan kelapa sawit mungkin dirasai pada
suku akhir tahun," kata Syed Muhammed Kifni Syed Kamaruddin, penganalisis kanan
MIDF Research memberitahu Bernama hari ini.
Harga-harga MSM berjaya bertahan dengan agak baik setakat tahun ini meskipun
dengan pengeluaran kacang soya yang luar biasa di Amerika Selatan.
"Sehingga kini, permintaan yang kukuh dan inventori minyak boleh dimakan
global yang ketat, dengan nisbah stok/penggunaan jatuh ke paras rendah
multitahun telah menyediakan sokongan kepada harga minyak boleh dimakan secara
umumnya," kata beliau.
Dari Januari hingga Julai, harga-harga MSM berada dalam julat kecil,
bergerak antara RM2,300 hingga RM2,700 tonne setiap metrik.
"Kami turut menjangka harga-harga MSM dapat berhadapan dengan halangan
segera sekitar paras RM2,600 setonne metrik dan kemudiannya mengukuh dalam
tempoh terdekat.
"Pergerakan harga MSM telahpun, dan mungkin terus dipengaruhi oleh
trend-trend umum dalam komoditi utama terutamanya minyak mentah dan minyak
kacang soya," kata Syed Muhammed Kifni.
Beliau juga berkata cara mengekalkan industri minyak sawit di Malaysia ialah
terus mengembangkan pengeluaran dengan meningkatkan perolehan.
Pengembangan berterusan keluasan perladangan terbatas oleh kekurangan jumlah
tanah yang ada dan sesuai untuk perladangan kelapa sawit.
Purata FFB setiap hektar dan purata kadar ekstrak minyak (OER) ladang kelapa
sawit di Malaysia ialah masing-masing sekitar 20 tonne metrik setiap hektar dan
20 peratus, pada dekad lalu.
Pelbagai usaha penyelidikan telah diambil oleh kedua-dua entiti persendirian
dan kerajaan untuk meningkatkan perolehan pokok kelapa sawit, dan hasilnya
setakat ini agak bersifat evolusi berbanding revolusi.
Bagaimanapun, usaha terus dijalankan dan beberapa syarikat besar seperti
Sime Darby Bhd dan Genting Plantations Bhd yang telah memulakan penyelidikan
termaju yang diharapkan dapat menyediakan industri itu dengan penyelesaian
berguna kepada pertumbuhan jangka panjangnya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Penyelidikan, ECMLibra Investment, Bernard Ching
berkata industri itu menjangkakan urus niaga berjajaran kecil pada bulan Ogos
dengan beberapa tempias negatif hasil daripada kenaikan pengeluaran dan laporan
lembap kacang soya.
Pada bulan Julai, niaga hadapan MSM melantun semula sedikit dan ditutup
lebih baik pada paras tujuh bulan.
Awal tahun ini, El Nino menjadi sebutan setiap orang dan sejak kebelakangan
ini, La Nina pula yang menjadi bualan.
"Kami percaya adalah terlalu awal untuk memaklumkan sekiranya La Nina ini
akan memperlihatkan ancaman besar kepada pengeluaran," kata beliau.
Ching juga berkata tiada banyak yang perlu diujakan mengenai harga-harga MSM
pada tempoh terdekat ini.
Dengan harga bergerak antara RM2300-2700, syarikat-syarikat masih lagi
mengaut keuntungan pada paras ini, kata beliau sambil menambah yang dalam tempoh
pertengahan hingga panjang, penggerak utama ialah yang berkaitan dengan cuaca
yang mungkin boleh menjejaskan pengeluaran.
Dalam tempoh jangka panjang, penggunaan minyak sawit boleh meningkat dan
sehubungan itu prospek adalah baik untuk industri untuk terus berkembang.
"Satu-satunya masalah ialah kekurangan tanah yang bersesuian yang boleh
menjejaskan pertumbuhan," tambah Ching.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Peluang Laksana Tanggungjawab Sosial Tenaga Nasional

Oleh Wan Nor Azura Mior Abd Aziz

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 Mei (Bernama) -- Yayasan Tenaga Nasional (YTN) kini membuka peluang kepada pelajar tajaannya untuk melaksanakan Program Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR) bersama-sama Tenaga Nasional.

Menurut Pengarah YTN, Azman Zakaria, langkah ini adalah satu pendedahan selain membolehkan pelajar berkenaan mempraktikkan sambil mendalami pelajaran mereka terutamanya dalam pengurusan sains sosial korporat.

Program CSR turut memberi kesedaran tentang tanggungjawab sosial korporat agar pelajar tajaan YTN lebih bertanggungjawab dan prihatin terhadap keperluan masyarakat.

Di samping itu, program itu melatih para pelajar untuk berfikir secara inovatif dan kritis serta menjana jati diri generasi muda yang akan menjadi barisan pelapis pemimpin pembangunan pada masa hadapan.


Pada masa ini YTN menaja 2,050 pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan dan luar negara.

Pelajar tajaan YTN ditempatkan di Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) di kedua-dua kampusnya iaitu di Putrajaya dan Bandar Muadzam Shah, Pahang di samping universiti terkemuka tempatan dan luar negara.

Dalam usaha membentuk pemimpin pelapis negara, pelajar tajaan YTN diberi latihan praktikal bagi mempersiapkan mereka dengan ilmu pengurusan untuk menghadapi alam pekerjaan setelah tamat pengajian, kata Azman.


Menurut Azman, YTN menyediakan landasan bagi memantapkan kemahiran sokongan sebagai penjana keyakinan diri pelajar menghadapi dunia luar terutama dalam bidang pekerjaan dan perhubungan awam.

Dalam membentuk kemahiran insaniah di kalangan pelajar, YTN mensasarkan program ini kepada semua pelajar tajaannya dalam dan luar negara.

Menurut Azman, keseluruhan kerja-kerja asas sehingga pelaksanaan program dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh para pelajar, manakala dana disediakan YTN dengan memberi panduan berupa dasar dan matlamat program.

Kata beliau, pelajar akan melaksanakan sepenuhnya program ini termasuklah perancangan, kaji selidik kesesuaian dan tahap keberkesanan, pulangan publisiti serta impak positifnya kepada semua pihak.

Program CSR ini berkonsepkan khidmat kepada masyarakat berasaskan pembangunan pendidikan. Para pelajar akan diberi kebebasan untuk merangka pelaksanaan dan pengisian program.

Kata Azman lagi, ini akan menjadikan mereke lebih kreatif dan inovatif bagi mencapai objektif penganjurannya secara optimum dan berekonomi selain belanjawan yang berhemah.


Baru-baru ini, YTN melalui para pelajar tajaannya di UNITEN Kampus Putrajaya dengan kerjasama Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA) Selangor, telah melaksanakan program CSR berkonsepkan program kesedaran dan motivasi peningkatan pendidikan kepada 40 pelajar Orang Asli dari seluruh Selangor.

Program yang bertemakan 'Strive For Excellence' (Berusaha Mencapai Kecemerlangan) ini berlangsung di Kampus UNITEN Putrajaya dari 9 hingga 11 April.

Anak-anak Orang Asli yang terlibat terdiri daripada pelajar Tingkatan Tiga yang akan menduduki Peperiksaan Menengah Rendah (PMR) pada hujung tahun ini.

Program ini dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh pelajar tajaan YTN dalam bidang Kejuruteraan dan Sains Komputer dari UNITEN Kampus Putrajaya. Antara aktiviti dijalankan ialah ceramah motivasi, lawatan sekitar Kampus UNITEN dan Latihan Dalam Kumpulan (LDK).

Antara yang memberikan ceramah motivasi ialah Profesor Dr Juli Edo dari Universiti Malaya (UM). Profesor Juli merupakan anak Orang Asli dan bekas pelajar tajaan YTN.

Menurut Azman penganjur turut menempatkan dan melaksanakan keseluruhan program ini di Kampus UNITEN bagi memberi peluang kepada sasaran untuk merasai suasana kehidupan di kampus pusat pengajian tinggi.

"Di samping sebagai dorongan dan motivasi kepada pelajar Orang Asli berkenaan untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh dan tahu hala tuju peningkatan dalam melanjutkan pelajaran sehingga ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi," beliau mengulas.

Usaha YTN ini juga dilihat sebagai serampang dua mata dalam membantu Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA) untuk memajukan golongan masyarakat ini.


Semenjak penubuhannya pada tahun 1993, YTN telah menaja 8,820 pelajar untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam dan luar negara melibatkan perbelanjaan melebihi RM500 juta.

Sebahagian besar bekas pelajar biasiswa tajaan YTN kini berkhidmat dengan Tenaga Nasional.

Pada hakikatnya, Tenaga Nasional melalui YTN secara langsung telah menyumbang kepada pembangunan tenaga manusia profesional serentak dengan pembangunan negara. Jumlah keseluruhan yang dibelanjakan untuk tujuan kebajikan sejak YTN ditubuhkan adalah melebihi RM35 juta.

Semua sumbangan dan program yang dilaksanakan membuktikan keprihatinan YTN/Tenaga Nasional terhadap masyarakat umum.

YTN tidak hanya menumpukan kepada penajaan pelajar ke peringkat tinggi sahaja, malahan mengemblengkan sebahagian lagi dana dan usahanya dalam mengendalikan program-program kebajikan berasaskan pendidikan bersesuaian dengan misinya untuk 'Mempertingkatkan Pendidikan dan Menggalakkan Kebajikan'.

Ia turut memberi sumbangan kebajikan kepada masyarakat yang memerlukan melalui penganjuran program-program pembangunan pendidikan dan kemasyarakatan.

Antara program termasuk Program Kem Remaja Bestari, Program Pemangkin Generasi Cemerlang, Bantuan Perubatan Kanser, Sumbangan Tajaan Pembedahan Kanak-kanak Mengidap Penyakit Jantung, Sumbangan Alat Bantuan Mengajar Ke Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PDK) dan Pusat Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Khas (3PK), Tajaan Bil Elektrik Pusat Cyber Komuniti.-- BERNAMA

Chance To Perform Tenaga Nasional's Social Obligation

By Wan Nor Azura Mior Abd Aziz

KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 (Bernama) -- Students sponsored by the Yayasan Tenaga Nasional (YTN - Tenaga Nasional Foundation) now have the opportunity to help implement the utility company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme.

YTN Director Azman Zakaria said this is an exposure to enable the students to put into practice what they have learnt particularly in the corporate social science aspect.

The CSR programme is also geared to create awareness on the corporate social responsibility for the students to be more responsible and sensitive to affairs in the society.

This programme trains the students to think critically and innovatively towards the needs of the society in the effort to instil them with the sense of belonging, turning them into future leaders capable of leading the nation to more progress.


The foundation is now funding 2,050 students at institutions of higher learning in the country as well as abroad.

The students are located at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), both at the campus in Putrajaya and Bandar Muadzam Shah, Pahang apart from a number of prestigious tertiary education institutions locally and in foreign countries.

In the 'journey' to unearth and create the nation's future leaders, the YTN-sponsored students are accorded with practical training to equip them with the knowledge to face the career industry right after completing their studies.


Azman said YTN provides the necessary platform to reinforce the soft skills in the move to build the students' self-confidence to meet challenges in their career as well as in public relations.

The foundation is offering its sponsored students in the local and foreign universities to be involved in the CSR programme by instilling them with 'spiritual skills'.

He said the students would be in charge and prepare all of the groundwork, right until the implementation stage of the programme with the YTN providing the funds as well as the guidelines and objective of the programme.

According to Azman, the students would be totally responsible for the planning, research on the programme's feasibility and level of efficiency apart from the publicity returns and its positive impacts.

The CSR programme is based on the concept of serving the commuity's education development. The students would be given the freedom to draw up the programme's implementation and its contents.

Azman said this would make the students more creative apart from being innovative towards achieving the goals of the programme in an optimum and economic manner and utilising a prudent budget.


Recently the foundation, through its sponsored students at the UNITEN Campus in Putrajaya and with the collaboration of the Selangor Orang Asli Affairs Department (JHEOA) had carried out a CSR programme to motivate improvement of education among 40 Orang asli children from Selangor.

The 'Strive For Excellence' programme was held at the Putrajaya UNITEN Campus on April 9-11. The Orang Asli children in this programme are those who would be sitting in the PMR examination end of this year.

The programme was carried out by YTN-sponsored students in the engineering and computer science courses. Among the activities held were motivation sessions, tours around UNITEN Campus as well as In Group Training.

Among those who gave the motivation talk is Universiti Malaya's (UM) Professor Dr Juli Edo, an orang asli and former student funded by YTN.

Azman said this programme was staged at the UNITEN Campus in a move to expose the Orang Asli children the 'feel and way of life' in a campus of a tertiary education institution.

"Apart from giving the inspiration and motivation to the Orang Asli children to study really hard and know the direction that they are taking right up to the uiversity level", he said.

YTN's effort is also a two-prong strategy aimed at assisting the JHEOA to develop the Orang Asli community.


Since its inception in 1993, YTN had funded the tertiary education of 8,820 students to the tune exceeding RM500 million and most of them are now serving with Tenaga Nasional.

Tenaga Nasional, via YTN, has contributed to the development of the country's professional manpower and the overall amount given to social activities since the establishment of YTN had reached more than RM35 million.

The programmes implemented showed the concern on the society by Tenaga Nasional and YTN.

The foundation has not only focussed on tertiary education but also moved its funds for education-based welfare activities in line with its mission of 'Improving Education and Encouraging charity'.

YTN provided charity contributions through the staging of education and community development programmes.

Among the programmes held were youth camps, assistance for children who needed urgent medical treatment, contribution of teaching aids for in-community Centres and sponsorship of electricity bills for community cyber centres.-- BERNAMA

Friday, November 13, 2009



SINGAPORE, Nov 14 (Bernama) -– Hai-O Enterprise Berhad, a multi-level
marketing firm, which continues to deliver impressive results, wants to further
improve performance following remarkable achievements by its Malay and
Bumiputera entrepreneur team.
Chairman Tan Sri Osman S. Cassim said while the business environment remains
challenging, Hai-O was focused on recapturing some of the opportunities which
may have been delayed by the global economic downturn.
The company has displayed improved performance over the last three years,
with Compounded Annual Growth Rate of over 40 per cent in revenue and over 60
per cent in net profit.
For the first quarter results ended July 31, 2009, the group recorded a
higher revenue of RM148.57 million as compared to RM112.91 million in the same
quarter last year, an increase of about 32 per cent.
" We have good prospects for next year as well. We have increased our
products such as healthcare products and will further expand our business," said
Osman in an interview with BERNAMA at the Third Forbes Asia 200 Best Under A
Billion List celebrations in Singapore on Wednesday.
The company is one of eight corporations from Malaysia to clinch the
prestigious Forbes award.
" This award is given based on several criteria. Some of them are good
performance, good corporate governance, good returns to shareholders and
future prospects for the company," he said.
With the start of the direct-selling business in Indonesia in the first
quarter of next year, it would contribute further to Hai-O's
impressive results, he added.
Meanwhile, Group Managing Director Tan Kai Hee, when met at the
award ceremony, attributed the company's success to the hardwork of its 95 per
cent truly loyal Malay and Bumiputera marketing team.
He said the company hopes to produce more millionaire Bumiputera
entrepreneurs despite the challenging global economic downturn.
Of the more than 100,000 distributors registered with the company, about
10,000 to 20,000 of them are very active, he said.
" We are so lucky to have the group of Bumiputera entrepreneurs who are
sincere, honest, hardworking and always provide good service and can win over
consumers' heart," said the humble 75-year-old businessman.
He said there are also about 10 to 15 Bumiputeras who could become
millionaires within a year through their hardwork.
Tan said apart from the Hai-O Group being formally recognised for its
hardwork over the years, he believed it is also the goal pursued by other small
and medium enterprises (SMEs) country-wide.
From 2007 to 2009, the company has passed Forbes' strict selection process,
with a long-term and sustainable management concept.
" There is an old saying, " pride leads to loss while modesty brings
benefit". Therefore, we will not be complacent as we were listed by Forbes for
three consecutive years," he added. -- BERNAMA



PETALING JAYA, Nov 13, (Bernama) -- Persoft Corp Sdn Bhd will allocate RM6
million for its subsidiary Persoft Properties Sdn Bhd to carry out an exercise
to further upgrade Persoft Tower.
Group executive director Shaiful Annuar Ahmad Shaffie said the company was
expected to fulfil the qualifying criteria for MSC Malaysia Cybercentre status
within the next six months.
Persoft Properties had received approval to be developed as an MSC Malaysia
Cybercentre from the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry on Nov 9, 2009.
Shaiful Annuar said the company would use RM4.5 million out of the RM6
million allocation to enhance the building infrastructure as well as the
interior and exterior of the premises.
"This upgrading will be carried out in two phases and is expected to provide
an exceptional business environment for our tenants and ensuring continuous
sustainability and business growth," he told reporters at a briefing on Persoft
Tower, formerly known as Menara Luxor, here today.
As part of Persoft's value proposition for the Cybercentre status, Shaiful
Annuar said the company would offer an incubator venture programme to assist
information and communications technology (ICT) companies in capital funding,
technical advice and business expansion.
The company also planned to provide Microsoft training and certification
programmes as well as information technology graduate practical training for
final-year students in local universities, he said.
According to Shaiful Annuar, Persoft Properties aims to provide a
competitive world-class infrastructure and business-enabling office environment
to house more than 30 MSC Malaysia status companies by 2011, especially newly
set-up local companies.
"Today we are proud to inform that we are the first privately-owned
Bumiputera company with MSC Malaysia status and at the same time we own and
manage Persoft Tower which has been approved by the government to be developed
into a cybercentre," he said.
Persoft Properties was incorporated on Feb 16, 2007, with an authorised
capital of RM500,000 to own, manage or operate all properties belonging to the
Persoft group of companies.
Shaiful Annuar said with the completion of the MSC Malaysia Cybercentre
exercise, the company was confident of achieving a revenue growth of 20 to 25
per cent.
He said the company's total revenue stood at RM98.2 million as at Dec 31,
2008. -- BERNAMA


By Wan Nor Azura Mior Abd Aziz

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 10 (Bernama) -- The immediate term outlook for crude
palm oil prices remains bullish although a choppy trade is expected for the
commodity the rest of this year, says a market player.
Futures Broker Representative of CIMB Futures Sdn Bhd, Teoh Ghim Ming
expects CPO prices to range from RM2,150 to RM2,350 till end of the year.
"Crude palm oil market would trade and fluctuate more independently from
other commodities i.e. crude oil, metals or stock markets," Teoh said.
He said the three major factors likely to influence the price
direction of CPO futures would be the current choppy random-walk nature of crude
oil, buoyed by weakness in the dollar, and purchasing from China, India and
European countries.
Other factors could include the development of the crop in Brazil,
Argentina and Paraguay all which have experienced a drop.
"We do not know which factor will come into play. Obviously, one of
these factors will impact prices," he told Bernama after presenting his paper at
the ongoing International Palm Oil Congress 2009 (PIPOC 2009) here.
He presented a paper on "Understanding the Palm Oil Market Trend - What's
For the first quarter of next year, the objective will be to push and close
above the psychological resistance level at RM2,400 to RM2450 level.
"A success full rate above this technical hurdle will take the market into
the RM2,650 to RM2,700 zone in the fist quarter next year," Teoh said.--BERNAMA